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Conte crayon is used as a medium in foundation level drawing classes.  


Artists have used monochromatic studies to create preliminary studies for paintings.


During the Renaissance, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Durer created preliminary studies in pastel of drapery as well as portrait studies.


Conte crayon was invented during the French Revolution due to a shortage of graphite



On this website, we will explore some introductory aspects of monochromatic drawing. For research purposes, I have posted the work of 2 Renaissance artists who used monochromatic drawing, etching and painting studies as a way of exploring form and portraits. 


Then we will try out this type of drawing with 2 projects.


In the first, we try to render a geometric form with highlights and shadows.


Then we will move to a portrait from a photograph.


Please post your drawings and blog about your thoughts at There are instructions for how to upload drawings and post blogs in the "About" page.

You can access the website with this button.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


You can post as often as you choose or at the end of each project.

I look forward to seeing your drawings and reading your posts!

– Andrei Tarkovsky

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